Welcome to Lady Lawyer’s Fitness. I’m the lawyer – and the fitness and health fanatic. This website is the product of my friends and family constantly texting, calling and asking me for workouts, nutrition insight and wellness counseling. While my day job is being a lawyer, I am a certified Crossfit coach, an avid runner and a nutrition nerd. As a lawyer, I know just how hectic it is to work or go to school full-time and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Luckily, I feel that I have found a balance between work and health. So now I am more than happy to start a platform where I can share what I have learned and help others find the same consistency.

So thanks for visiting! If you have any fitness, nutrition or general questions feel free to email me at ladylawyersfitness@gmail.com.

Eat Well, Run Often, Lift Heavy,

The Lady Lawyer
